まいんど vol.30 全日本柔道連盟

Mr. Kano Jigoro― A Role Model for a Global Person ―Principal of Nada High School Wada MagohiroⅩⅫ.「教育を讃える詩」 嘉納治五郎のことを「講道館柔道の創始者」であり「東京高等師範学校の校長を長きにわたって務めた教育者」でもあったとよく並列にして書くが、嘉納の教育理想が文武一体であったとすれば、柔道も彼のなかでは教育の一環であったと考えるべきではなかろうか。 柔道の鍛錬の方法として嘉納は「形」・「乱取り」・「講義」・「問答」の4つを挙げている。これを数学の勉強に当てはめれば、「形」は公式を覚える、「乱取り」は演習問題を数多く解くことであろう。しかしそれだけでは、問題が解けるようになっても数学の理論が理解できるわけではない。先生から公式が導き出される理論を聞き、わからないことがあれば納得がいくまで質問をする、これが「講義」、「問答」に当たると思う。柔道でも、「形」を身につけ「乱取り」で実戦をこなすだけでなく、師範や上達者から理論的説明を聞き、理解できるまで質問するということも重要であるのだ。 とすれば、嘉納が講道館と嘉納塾をほぼ同時に開いたことも、第五高等学校高長赴任と同時に柔道場を設えたことも、講道館文化会を開設したことも、嘉納にとっては当然のことだったのだろう。高等師範のなかに体育奨励を目的とした校友会を設立し自ら会長を引き受けたのも同じ趣旨だと言えよう。 そして、高等師範学校も講道館も、嘉納の理想とする教育を授けるための機関として大きな役割を果たしたと言えよう。そして彼の教え子たちがさらにそれを国中に普及していったのだ。後年、嘉納は教育に携わる者の冥利について「教育を讃える詩」という次のような詩を遺している。 「教育の事は、天下これより偉(すぐれ)たるはなし。一人の徳教は広く万人に加わり、一世の化育は遠く百世に及ぶ。 教育の事は、天下これより楽しきはなし。英才を陶鋳して兼ねて天下を善くす。其の身は亡ぶといえども余薫はとこしえに存す。」 教育の醍醐味をみごとに表現した素晴らしい詩である。小生も教育者の末席を汚す者として、この詩を見る度に自らの半生が実に充実していたことに思いを致し、卒業生たちの益々の活躍を願うのである。 Kano Jigoro's views on education were probably greatly inuenced by Ernest Francisco Fenollosa, whom he studied under while at Tokyo University. Fenollosa was well known as a central figure in the Japanese art movement during the Meiji period, with his deep knowledge of Japanese art and his eorts to establish the Tokyo Fine Arts School (now called the Tokyo University of the Arts) with his student Tenshin Okakura. However, it was only after he came to Japan that he was attracted to Japanese art. Fenollosa came to Japan to teach at the University of Tokyo as a so-called "hired foreign expert" after graduating from Harvard University. It was when Kano was a sophomore. According to "Kano Jigoro, Educator of Spirit and Action" published by Tsukuba University Press, Fenollosa taught the history of Western philosophy that year. The book says that the content of the lecture was “the main stream of modern philosophy from Descartes to Hegel and Spencer.” “Spencer” was the sociologist Herbert Spencer, who wrote “The Theory of Education” and advocated the development of the three elements of “mind and wisdom,” “moral conduct”, and “healthy body”. Kano, who preached the teaching of the trinity of wisdom, deeds, and body through judo, may have been deeply influenced by Spencer's ideas through Fenollosa. Later, Kano actively incorporated physical education into the education at his Normal School, which was then spread to schools around the country by his students, and has become the foundation of education in Japan that continues to today. Anders Hansen, a Swedish psychiatrist, has written a best-selling book, "Insta-Brain," and has recently published "The Real Happy Pill," an easy-to-understand version of "Insta-Brain" for children and their parents. The outline of the book is as follows: "If the entire history of the human race is 24 hours, the beginning of agriculture and the emergence of a sedentary society took place in the last 20 minutes, and the arrival of the digital information society was one second ago. The evolution of the human brain has not been able to keep up with the changes in society, and it still causes anxiety and dysfunction because it has not been able to keep up with the digital society as it was when we were living as hunters and gatherers in the savanna. Hansen calls the human brain the “savannah brain”. The savannah brain functions when we exercise, doing such things as chasing prey or gathering food, so we need to exercise in order to improve our ability to concentrate, think, and remember. Reading this, I was reminded of Spencer's theory of education, which Kano learned from Fenollosa, and the importance of education that incorporates physical education and sports, which Kano promoted. Among the words Kano bequeathed is “Bunbu Fuki”, which means “the pen and the sword are inseparable,” and we should bear this lesson in mind once again.ⅩⅪ. Spencer's Educational Theory and "Insta-Brain"和田 孫博わだ・まごひろ昭和27年、大阪府大阪市生まれ。灘中学→灘高校→京都大学卒。昭和51年、母校灘中学・高校英語科教諭として奉職。平成19年、同校校長および学校法人灘育英会理事に就任、現在に至る。平成23年~26年文部科学省中央教育審議会高等学校教育部会専門委員現在、兵庫県私立中学校高等学校連合会副理事長、日本私立中学校高等学校連合会常任理事、京都大学学際融合教育研究推進センター特任教授を兼任中PROFILE17まいんど vol.30

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